Pathways Staff

Pathways Staff

A Look at the Hospice Dementia FAST Scale

Every September marks World Alzheimer’s Month, an annual international campaign designed to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia. In honor of World Alzheimer’s Month in general and World Alzheimer’s Day specifically on September 21, we explore the…

Is it OK to be Happy During Grief?

Guilt is a pervasive emotion. While suffering unimaginable grief, such as losing a parent or loved one suddenly or after a long illness, can be all-encompassing, sometimes it isn’t the only emotion we feel. And the guilt at feeling something…

What Legacy Will You Leave?

We all want to be remembered for doing and being something great when we pass on. We all want to feel as though we have contributed in some meaningful way to the world and made an impact on others. What…