Jeff Conner

Jeff Conner

Taking Charge of Your Own Independence

 Taking charge of your own independence gives a sense of self that is liberating. Consider what it takes to be autonomous like an accessible home environment and communicating openly with others to express your needs and regain control over your own…

Smart alternatives to a walk-in tub 

Bathing is an activity of daily living that many seniors living with disabilities may struggle with. Some may find that their current bathroom is inadequate and doesn’t meet their needs, yet a walk in tub may not fit their budget.…

5 Tips to Help Improve Your Quality of Life

If you are looking at ways that will significantly improve overall life quality and satisfaction, it starts with self-reflection. Five tips to improve your quality of life relate to autonomy, social engagement, health, mood, and finding your sense of purpose.…

Have You Been Putting Off Needed Improvements?

Have you been putting off much-needed home and mobility improvements? Don’t’ waste another moment; make the changes that can improve life and increase accessibility today. Observe It’s About Time Week this December by getting these repairs, refurbishments, and projects done…

Vehicle Accessories and The Older Driver

Transportation hurdles impact seniors and those with physical limitations every day. Think about mobility aids, vehicle accessories, and the older driver this December during National Older Driver Safety Awareness Week to learn more. Are mobility aids the only way to assist older drivers or…

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